OC Golf and Beach Properties

Orange County California Golf and Beach Properties

Archive for challenging

Let’s Talk GOLF!!

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Let’s talk GOLF!!

I am so Happy to see that golf is finally being recognized as a challenging sport. I leaned to play golf as a child and I am so grateful. I may not have loved it then (I was also a competitive swimmer) or later in my “Intense” workout days ”When I taught and ran aerobic programs)…..but I always knew it was a great way to connect with nature, be out of office and meet like minded people.. I am sorry for those who still “bad mouth” the game.

I also think golf can be one of the most challenging games there is. It seems so easy until you get out on the course and are at the mercy of the “elements”! Traps, Hills, fast greens, wrong club…………………..

What is your biggest golf challenge??

I want to know more about you and your golf interests.

What are your favorite Southern California courses, especially in Orange County??  Why is that your favorite?? We will explore courses in other areas at another time.

 The best thing is to own a house on the golf course so you can watch all the other golfers play….and then say “I am not soooo bad after all J .

For golf course properties in So Cal…..contact me!

Sue, your golf property guide